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What goes on at the Nationals? Print E-mail

The FE-FC Holden Nationals are held every second year, with each of the clubs that form the FE-FC Holden Car Clubs of Australia taking turns to organise and host the event.

 The event is open to members of the aforementioned clubs and other invited clubs. Vehicle entry is open to FE and FC Holdens, either Stock or Modified.

A big part of the Nats is the "Show 'n' Shine", where vehicles are judged and compete for trophies and recognition. But the Nationals is much more than a car show.

It is primarily a social event, a long weekend spending time with fellow enthusiasts and their families. A big effort is made to ensure that all participants and their families are looked after and entertained.

Elsewhere on this site you can find information about past Nationals, as well as plans for the upcoming event in Orange. 


Congratulations to the winners of our Early Bird Competition:


  • Ron Richardson of the FE-FC HCC Qld
  • Phil Ivanov of the FE-FC HCC SA


 These guys will receive a refund of their $220 entry fee at the Nationals. 

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