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My car isn't a show-winner. Should I bring it? Print E-mail


The Nationals prides itself on being a social event, not just a car show.

There are a lot of entrants who choose not to have their car judged (it's entirely your choice), and just come along to enjoy the event.

The FE-FC Holden Nationals has always been an event for driven cars. It's not for trailer-queens; in fact to be eligible for trophies the car must be driven over the weekend. We're proud of the wide variety of cars that take part: daily drivers, club cars, show cars, unrestored, hotted up, customised. As long as it's an FE or FC and owned by an FE-FC Club member, we want you there.

Even if your car is off the road, it's still no impediment to entering the event. Club members who wish to enter without a car are gladly accepted.

Come along and be part of the event. 


Our online shop is now open for you to purchase Nationals clothing and memorabilia. Clothing will be available for a limited time, and memorabilia until sold out.

Get your order in right away! 

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