Home arrow FAQs arrow Nationals FAQs arrow What are the FE-FC Holden Nationals?
What are the FE-FC Holden Nationals? Print E-mail

The FE-FC Holden Nationals are the held every two years, over the Easter long weekend. The FE-FC Holden Car Clubs of Australia take it in turns to host the event, and the NSW-based club will be staging the 2010 Nationals in Orange.

This will be the 13th time the event has been held. The previous event was held in Mt Gambier, SA over Easter 2008.

The Nationals always comprise a public "Show 'n' Shine" event, a Cruise around and through the hosting town, several official dinners and other events. It is a full weekend of entertainment that is centred on the FE and FC Holdens, but with activities that suit the whole family.


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